Friday, September 19, 2008

Time - Pink Floyd

My grandma from my mom's side has gotten worse over the course of the week. She fell again and broke her arm on weds. The next day, she fell again and became unconscious and was sent back to the hospital. Currently, she is staying there and is now losing track of where she is at and becoming delirious. I don't know how long she is gonna stay with us, but my aunt has been calling people to hurry and come before its too late. I'm not a man who knows how to express his feelings, and I don't know what to say at a time like this. I'm not sure if I will even cry when it occurs.
I think my apathy comes from the busy world we live in today. I have things to prepare for school and keeping track of the apt bills along with a project for an organization on-campus. My assistant had stepped down from her position for an internship elsewhere, and now I'm left with a giant mess and waiting for the new person to be appointed so I can train him/her. My cousin has been going to similar stress, and I think all of my other family members have just as much crap to do these days that we're just all looking away as much as we can until it hits.
For a woman at the end of her life, this is just disgusting of how society has force human beings to become robots. I know right now she is alone in this world even with over 12 children and 20 grandchildren and about 6 great grand children. I was never close to her, and it kills me to know that there isn't a thing I can do to ease her departure.

The world spins too fast now. In the mist of this financial crisis and heavy recession, all I see is people doing their best to live the life they lived before all this happened. People have stop smelling the roses; they live in a world of speed and competition to find their purpose of living. I believe that society has lost its empathy. Since the Industrial revolution, the clock controls the daily operations of humans and to break away from it results in isolation,financial loss, incarceration, or death.

I hate to imagine how lonely the end of my life will be. My Children will probably have enough on their plates to take care of me. I don't think they would be allowed to stop and smell the roses. Their job and children will have their lives. I will be that secondary thing to worry about, the where their just tossing money at to prolong the inevitable, death. Its always after you leave that they begin to slow the world they live in to make time for your funeral.

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